Sunday, February 11, 2007

Presentation 1

So, for this week, we were asked to write about what presentation topics we are considering for our Presentation 1 assignment. The presentation is meant to be more of a presentation graded on the PowerPoint you prepare and how you speak to the class. The latter really scares me…”a grade on how well I speak to the class.” See, there’s a reason why I haven’t taken my communications requirement yet. I really hate speaking in front of groups of people. I guess my only question about the assignment is what exactly is graded as far as the “speaking to the class” part.

For my presentation, I am thinking about a few topics, and I’m not really sure which one to pick right now. First of all, I am a huge Hanson fan and I know a lot about them. I even have pictures from concerts, pictures of me meeting them, and tons of books for reference. The biggest problem with choosing this topic is that most people really don’t want to listen to me talk about Hanson. I also know a lot about house design and architecture, but I think I would have to do more research to put a presentation together that covers it all. Plus, it is such a huge topic that I would have to narrow it down to a more detailed topic like just kitchen design. The third topic I am considering is how to take care of a Betta fish. I’ve had three of them so far, and I’ve learned a lot about how to take care of them...I’ve learned a lot about what NOT to do!

Right now, I really think I will go with the Betta fish topic, because that is probably the best topic for me to present. Even though I am really interested and would enjoy doing a presentation on kitchen design, I’m not sure how to present that information easily. And then there’s Hanson…a topic that I would like to do because of everything I could include, but there’s not much interest in that topic among the class. As you can see, I still need to narrow it down and pick one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any of these ideas sound good. My grandma LOVES beta fish and always has them. I would love to know more. Meanwhile, I really need to redo my kitchen, so that seems appealing too.

As far as the speaking, as long as you incorporate you ppt, make eye contact, and act confident, you'll be fine. Actually, consider this one practice for the communications class. I try my best to make the presentations as relaxed as possible for you guys. Just remember - I'm on your side, and the last thing I want is for you too be overly stressed about an assignment. =o)