Thursday, April 5, 2007

The End is Near

As Phase 2 comes to an end, I know that the end of the year is almost here. It's hard to believe that our class will only meet seven more times(counting tomorrow). Only seven more times?!?!Where did the semester go? Next week, the class will not be meetings like normal; we will be meeting with our groups individually while our professor is out of town. During those meetings, we will work on our part for the final project and help each other finish up our web porfolios that are due next Friday.

For this week, we were asked to blog about what our individual contribution will be as we finish the final project for the Anderson Sunshine House. Since Tiger Web Design's homepage design was picked (yay!--I'm really glad that I changed the picture and logo at the last minute because that is what they really liked about it. If you're confused about what I'm talking about, go here: Anderson Sunshine House.) I will be working on most of the design of the "template" pages. I will also be involved in the organization of the links. We have decided to change the navigation of the site, so I have been doing some research on the different kinds of ways to organize the links. So that's what I'll be doing for the next three weeks!!

Oh, I almost forgot...Happy Easter!

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